We encourage families to sign up their children for as many weeks and classes as possible. Each week will be unique and the dancing, singing and acting just gets better and better, as the kids become more comfortable and familiar with the curriculum.

Dance and Musical Theatre - Summer Camps in the Hamptons
Ages 3.5 - 12 (please inquire if you have an 12 -16 year old interested in participating)
FEE: $1450 per week per child.
Fee includes 2 leotards (2 T-shirts for boys), 1 dance skirt, 1 sweat shirt,1 pair of ballet slipper and tap shoes.
Date: June 16 - June 27
Locations: Watermill / Bridgehampton
Days: M-F
Time: 9:00 - 2:00 pm
Date: July 7 - Aug 15
Locations: Bridgehampton School
Days: M-F
Time: 9:00 - 2:00 pm
Date: Aug 18 - Aug 25
Locations: Bridgehampton School / Watermill
Days: M-F
Time: 9:00 - 2:00 pm
Summer Camp and Class Description
​Your child will be immersed in all aspects of musical theatre (dancing, singing, acting, directing and performing).
Expect your dancer to learn dance basics with music they love and fun and clever TikTok moves. Our dance practice of Little Barn “dances” will be then transformed with live piano arrangements.
Students will have a daily singing warmup and technique class followed by song practice with live piano and / or guitar accompaniments and kid friendly arrangements.
Acting and Directing!
A Little Barn favorite!!! We start with acting games to break the ice then we get to work on creating scripts, scenes and monologues with the campers that will be worked into our show themes.
All of our classes will be taught by our lovely LB team of talented, versatile and professional working and teaching artists (mentors) with Kim Eilian, the Little Barn founder and artistic director.
Little Barn philosophy in a nutshell
We have found our students thrive in an atmosphere of kindness, patience and love.
We believe that children find comfort in repetition without tediousness. With a combination of following the student with leadership, we build their trust and love of theatre.
Little Barn Musical Shows
The highlight of our Summer program?
Watching our young talents shine as they showcase what they've learned over the summer in front of their families and friends.
Throughout our 6 week Summer Camp, we stage two Junior Musicals: one in Week 3 and another in Week 6. For those children enrolled for only 1 or 2 weeks, who would otherwise miss our Show Days, we offer Work-In-Progress Practices on their final Fridays. Families and friends are invited to attend the last hour of camp practice, providing them with a sneak peek of the upcoming show.
In our Mini Camps, every Friday features a musical performance.
Curious to see these musical performances?
Just visit our Gallery page.
Required Dance Attire
Campers will be given ballet slippers, tap shoes, sweat shirts, girls will receive 2 Little Barn leotards and a dance skirt, boys will receive 2 Little Barn T-shirts.
All female campers are required to wear a black tank leotard, with leggings or bare legs.
Male dancers are required to wear black athletic shorts or loose-fitting black dance pants with a black tee shirt.
All dancers will need ballet slippers (girls ballet pink or skin color ballet slippers or slip-on beige jazz shoes.
Boys may wear black or beige ballet slippers or slip-on jazz shoes.
Tap shoes are optional and may be black or beige.
We also have our own stock of LB tap shoes and ballet slippers for our campers. We ask that your child has a clean pair of socks in their dance bag.
Click here for further information about uniform and proper dance shoes.
Note: The required dance attire is also the base costume of all LB shows at the end of each session.
Daily Summer Camp Schedule
Daily Dance Practice
Head to toe warm up “dances” focusing on dance basics and body awareness, followed by a breakdown of the dance steps of the day.
Snack Break
Singing Practice
Daily vocal warm up and exercises followed by song practice. Songs will be connected to the “dances” and performed in the end of week performance with live music.
Lunch / Free Time / Free Play
Acting Games and Script Writing
Acting class will begin with acting games - an LB favorite, to loosen up and break the ice. We will then talk about the theme of the show based on the song and dance numbers and develop dialogue and scenes for our story.
Free Time
Play Practice
Run through, review and practice of the show performed at the end of the week.
*** Every Friday we will feature a live performance for family and friends in the Dance Tent!
All free play will be supervised by teachers.
On extra hot days we run through the sprinklers / water play - please bring a swimming suite and towel.